June 9, 2016

sharing some instagram favorites

I just need to say one thing.

I. Love. Instagram.

So much.

I find it relaxing to scroll through all the lovely, inspiring photos and double-tap my little heart out.

I also love sharing photos.

I've been posting to instagram for a year and a half and I think my photos have come a long way. I have an idea in my mind of the feeling and look I want for my pictures, but it is harder than you would think to portray that. 
Anyway... As I enjoy instagram so much, I thought I would share a few of my favorite Insta accounts. 

FYI, I love so many, I might need to do a part 2!! These are in no way all of my favorites.

Brooke Smart Illustration

Mary Gregory Studio

Soule Mama

My Northern Story


Old Joy

Bonjour Moon

Kristin Rogers

Sherelle Christensen

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