November 21, 2016

elderberry syrup

This time of year is when we all typically start getting sick. At least we seem to be more prone to it. There are things that I do throughout the year, especially in the fall and winter, that I feel have helped our immune systems stay strong and help us avoid picking up bugs. One of those things is taking a daily dose of elderberry syrup. And I like to make my own because it is very easy and so much cheaper than buying the bottled stuff.

Someday I would love to forage or grow my own fresh berries, but for now I order dried berries. This is where I like to get mine.

They have very interesting information on elder and elderberries over on Bulk Herb's site that is worth a read.

Sometimes I use dry, ground ginger. But if I have it, I love chopping up fresh. I just love fresh ginger!

I like to keep a bottle in the fridge and some extra in the freezer. This recipe makes a good sized batch, so I divide it up. I have been using plastic freezing jars. You could even use zippie bags to freeze portions. 

This bottle shown is an old salad dressing bottle that I washed and scrubbed the label off of. If you pay attention, a lot of nice jars and bottles come through the house that can be reused for things like this! A little tip for getting the yucky label stickum off, is to use a metal scouring pad like an S.O.S. A little elbow grease with one of those does the trick!


Elderberry Syrup

2/3 cup dried elderberries
3 1/2 cups water
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground clove
1 teaspoon ground ginger or 2 Tablespoons fresh, chopped ginger
1/2 to 1 cup raw honey (depending on how sweet you want it)

Simmer all ingredients together in a saucepan except honey for 45 min.

Remove from heat and allow to cool. 

Strain berries and particles from syrup. (I like to use a sieve with a paper towel lining it over a bowl with a pour spout.)

Add honey and mix until dissolved.

Pour into storage container(s) of your choice.

Stores well in fridge for about a month. Extra freezes beautifully.


I got my wonderful recipe from Kate over at Real Food RN.

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