April 17, 2016

Well, hello there!

   Spring is here in the mountains! All of these beautiful blooms inspired me to return to my blogging hobby and share some photos with you.

It is a glorious Sunday morning. 

Supposed to get up to 70 degrees today! We have been outside puttering around with this project and that... The Mr. has devised a recycled, concrete well cover be made into a fire ring for summer bonfires and watching the sunset. I have been preparing the garden for planting and setting up our trellises. Yesterday I managed to plant lettuce, spinach, kale, and snow peas... With the "help" of a certain 2 1/2 year old garden expert. 


When the kale comes up in the spinach and the peas sprout among the strawberries.... Well... I guess we'll have peas and kale and spinach to eat!
I have to remind myself daily (hourly) that everything doesn't have to be done my way. 

I'm a woman. I can be flexible. If I have to. I guess.
(Comment if you get the joke!)

I have lots of ideas for blog posts! I am feeling inspired to get busy here again and get my creative, blogging hat back on. 

Happy spring to you! See you soon!

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