August 10, 2016

garden update 8-10-16

Th big news in the garden has been this wonderful truck load of topsoil that we had delivered. I am adding it to all my raised beds, along with some chicken poop from a friend, and all my plants are very excited! 
Within a week of working in the chicken manure, all of my plants had deepened in color and were growing much larger.

The morning glory keeps on climbing.

Can you tell the difference in the zucchinis this week from how anemic they looked in my last garden update?
Same with the tomatoes.

So much greener.


My mystery compost plant has proven to be a butternut!

Rainbow chard.

Zinnias and cosmos get picked and put all over the house. Love!

The potato buckets are looking really good. Hoping to get a big harvest of small potatoes to store. Last year we didn't have too many because our soil was not good, but the ones I got were delicious. We ate them quickly. But now I know to let them "cure" or let the skin harden and dry before storing them.

Poor little rhubarb, he's holding on.

Not many beans this year. I didn't plant enough, and they took forever getting started, I'm not sure why. Maybe the dry spell we had at the beginning of the season. Next year I will make to sure to plant a lot more. They are one of my favorite things to eat. With butter.

Planted another round of radishes.

Anyone want to help me identify this weed? It gets huge!It has a thick, hollow stalk. I know that because we weed eat it down all the time but it's not getting the message.

Good soil.

I want to make pesto so I picked up this beautiful basil plant at Trader Joe's.
What else can I do with basil to preserve it? Dry it, freeze it? Any ideas?

My cute little patio tomato plants are also benefiting from some chicken magic... They are so productive!

I am very excited to use my cold frame this fall and winter. Hubby is going to build a windowed top for it. I have some cukes and squash going in pots in there at the moment and will move them to the garden in a few days. I'm going to see if I have time to get a few from those plants before hard frosts come.
I have planted radishes, carrots, and two kinds of swiss chard. Also planning to add spinach, broccoli, and cilantro. (I read that cilantro and parsley are pretty hardy to low temps... We will find out.)

I can't believe summer is winding down and it's time for fall planting. I must say though, I'm always excited for fall to come, it's my favorite season of all!

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