August 12, 2016

start a bullet journal with me

The idea of a bullet journal is very appealing to me. I like the flexibility, and the ability to customize it exactly how you want it. Even to change your system as you go along. 

I tried out the whole planner thing, and found our it is just not for me at this time in my life. Maybe as our family grows and or ages, and I have a more intricate schedule, but right now I just find it cumbersome and actually, it really stressed me out! Trying to keep up with the whole thing was overwhelming. Here's an example of what I'm talking about. (If you are into planners, Samantha at Happily a Housewife has some beautiful ones!) Planners and accessories are very appealing, and I commend anyone who is that organized, but for now, I have to pass.

For me, I think part of the appeal of the bullet journal is the creative side of it. Writing with your own hand instead of printouts or charts or store bought and printed pages. The ability to doodle, tape in things you like, add art, or poems or journal entries. And you can skip days and not feel guilty about the empty pages staring at you. You can just pick up where you left off.

I also love the idea of a place to store all of my ideas. My head is constantly and relentlessly swarming with plans and ideas and aspirations.. So many, that much of the time I feel like I can't even select one amongst the mass and instead of doing a bunch of wonderful things, I get overwhelmed and get nothing done. I'm excited to use the bullet journal to organize my thoughts a bit. I want to have pages specifically for goals, plans for the house, books I want to read, places I want to go... The sky is the limit!

In case you haven't heard about the newest fad in the journal/planner world, here's a few examples that got me excited to start my own bullet journal.

Gretchen Hope's Bullet Journal Video 
~ Sarah's Chapter Bullet Journal Blog Post
~ My Pinterest Journal Board

If this sounds like something you want to try, why don't you start a bullet journal with me?! The nice thing is that you can start with a cheap, graph notebook for around 3 bucks, and if it doesn't work for you, you haven't lost much. 

I'm going to show you the first few pages I have done and will be continuing to work on it and share it here. If you join in or already have a bullet journal going, let me know... Post a comment on this post, or share a photo on instagram with the hashtag #myhomesongjournal. 

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