June 14, 2016

How to Make Your Life Simpler

Write lists of everything:
As soon as something flits through my mind, I better write it down or suffer the consequences! It is very helpful to have an ongoing list for the day/week of things that need to get done, be bought and remember.

Keep a notepad by your bed and brain dump before you go to sleep:
It seems like all my good ideas and sudden impulses to get things done come late at night while I should be sleeping. Keep a pad of paper and a pen by the bed and dump it all out before you go to sleep. Then you can sleep peacefully, knowing you won't forget anything important.

Decluttering your house = decluttering your mind:
A quote from William Morris that is helpful when sorting through things - "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." 
I have gotten rid of so. many. things. in the past year. I have found that the sparser my home is, the easier life is. Cleaning, cooking, functioning in general is simpler when you don't have a bunch of crap cluttering your way.

Don't over schedule your children:
I don't generally believe that children need to participate in every lesson, party, function and class that makes itself available. Make some time to just be. Just be at home, together. Being bored is not a bad thing. Children develop great skills out of times of boredom.

Reduce your stress. If it chronically causes you stress, consider eliminating it:
This also goes for people, y'all. I have been asked in the past, how I keep my life so low stress, and here is the answer: I don't do stress. It makes me ill. Physically and mentally. I keep my stress very low by simply eliminating things that cause it. That includes unhealthy or toxic relationships of any sort. I said it was simple, not easy.

Consider a capsule wardrobe:
Choose your wardrobe pieces carefully.
Only buy a new item if you LOVE it.
Thin out your clothing. If you don't wear it, get rid of it.

Get control of your finances:
Get out of debt. 
Pay upfront for everything.
Create a written budget. 
Your outgo should be less than your income!

Go outside and take a deep breath:
There are many studies that prove being outside in nature is a great stress releiver and very healthy for mind and body.
And of course, I don't know if you really need studies to tell you that.

Focus on and appreciate the basic gifts of life:
The sound of a bird's song. Your children's laughter. A soft breeze. A meal with loved ones. Smiling at a stranger. A good pup at your feet. The simple things in life really are the most important things, after all.

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