February 25, 2015

garden planning pt 2

how to make newspaper seed starting pots  

I like to start my seeds in folded newspaper pots.

I've tried many different kinds of pots, and have found that for me, plastic pots, especially the trays of cells are basically a pain in the hiney because I always end up disturbing the root system when I transplant to the garden.

With the newspaper pots, I can make as many as I need for free, the roots can grow right through the pot, and they can be planted straight into the garden.

To start, cut a single piece of newspaper into four squares. 

Fold a piece into thirds.

Start wrapping the paper around some type of small cylinder like a tin can or a bottle.

Fold the end in and secure with a piece of masking tape.

Ta da!!

Aren't they lovely?

I like to use an organic seed starting soil like this.

Here is my little sprouting setup.

I have this nice storage shelf in my craft room/office that most of the year holds my crafting supplies.

Come sprouting time, I clear a shelf and hang my grow lights. These are just fluorescent shop lights with grow bulbs like these. 

After I plant my seeds, I cover the tray with a towel for darkness.

When the little sprouts appear, I turn on the lights and make sure they are right up under them. 

The secret to success with seed sprouting is lots and lots of light. 10-12 hours. Make sure to unplug lights when you go to bed though. Plants need to sleep too!

Keep the soil moist but not soppy. Mold likes wet little pots.

If your plants start getting leggy, they don't have enough light. Scoot those suckers up closer.

Happy sprouting! 

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