May 2, 2016

8 Netflix Shows I Don't Mind My Young Child Watching

Before I had a baby I had 487 different theories on how we would raise children... 1 being that there would be no TV and no iPads and they would entertain themselves endlessly for hours and hours with wooden blocks and a corn husk doll. 

Then we actually had a child.

The end.


Once reality sunk in, I quickly learned how wonderfully sacred a few minutes here and there of carefully chosen TV viewing would be.

Sacred and blessed.

And life giving.

And sanity saving.

And Mama put makeup on and looks like a human today. 

While I do not like her to watch too much television, as I notice a marked difference in her attitude, and there are so, so , so many things to be doing and making and reading and learning through actually participating in life rather than just watching it.... I have loosened my self-made rules slightly.

I am still very picky about what she watches. I personally do not like her watching tv that has anything creepy, scary, sinister, dark, snotty, rude... You get the idea. Which, to be honest, rules out a Ton. Of. Stuff. 

Most mornings she watches a few minutes of (gasp) television while I try to regain a bit of composure for the day and dress and put my face on and have a cup of tea. 

Here is a list of some shows on Netflix that I choose from:

1. Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood - I adore this show. Period. Mr. Rogers does something for kids that I think we adults forget to do sometimes. He tells them things they need to know. He explains emotions, manners, concepts and how to do things, and in such a respectful, lovely way. This is good stuff.

2. Sarah and Duck - This show is as cute as can be. This is a BBC show, and I am crazy about the characters British accents.

3. Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood - This show is an animated spin off of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. Same concept, so I love it. It is one of my girl's favorites.

4. Caillou - Cute show. The kid has an annoying voice, but very wholesome content.

5. Reading Rainbow - This show has a good reputation for incredibly educational and quality content and I absolutely love it. It's as good as an adult as is was as a kid. (90's kid, anybody?)

6. Curious George - Another one like Caillou that is cute, wholesome, but nothing incredible. It's always a safe choice though.

7. Barefoot Contessa - Here's where I veer off the beaten path. Ha. My child just happens to love cooking shows, and yours may too!

8. Giada at Home - More culinary delights.

Did I miss anything? Let me know if there's another good quality children's show on Netflix that I should know about! 

And now, before we fly out the door for a day full of library, playing outside, gardening and chores, I am going to go put some concealer under my eyes... Guess what my child will be doing?

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